Horizen (ZEN) Cambio
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What is Horizen?
Horizen is a blockchain Sidechain platform unbounded by design. With Horizen, anyone can build either a private or a public blockchain system on the network’s fully distributed, secure, and privacy-preserving architecture. The Horizen’s Sidechain solution is known as the ZENDOO.
The ZEN is the native token of the Horizen Sidechain solution but the platform enables use cases beyond its native token. The ZEN utilizes the Proof of Work consensus mechanism to mine the ZEN tokens.
ZEN has a circulating supply of 10,327,888 ZEN coins and a max. supply of 21,000,000 ZEN coins. The project was launched in May 2017 and has attracted support from top partners and investors including Input-Output, Infopulse, and Blue Frontiers amongst others.