Kusama (KSM) Cambio
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What is Kusama?
Kusama (KSM) is generally known as a Polkadot’s cousin and it is an early, risk-taking, unaudited, and unrefined version of Polkadot. Kusama is built with an almost similar codebase as Polkadot and it helps developers to perform an experiment for projects that may eventually be deployed on Polkadot.
Kusama encourages innovation and among the benefits, developers will have using the network include fast iteration, advanced technology, low economic barrier, engaged community, and open governance. The KSM is the traditional token of the network.
The KSM has a total supply of 8,470,098 KSM coins and the maximum supply is not available. As a coin that many say is undervalued, it ranks as one of the top 100 coins per CoinMarketCap and it’s traded in a number of exchanges.
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