TRVL Token Bridge
Swap TRVL from BEP20 to ERC20 at a 1:1 rate
Gas fees are included in the calculation
Bridge your TRVL tokens from TRVL BEP20 to TRVL ERC20 at 1:1 rate.With ChangeNOW, the TRVL BEP20 (TRVL on Binance Smart Chain) to TRVL ERC20 (Ethereum Mainnet) bridge is simple and transparent:Enter the receiving wallet address for your TRVL ERC20 tokens. This should be an Ethereum (ERC20) wallet address.Check the rate: how many TRVL ERC20 you’ll receive after fees. NOTE: transaction fees are paid by the user.Confirm the transaction, make the deposit, and you’ve converted TRVL BEP20 to TRVL ERC20Note: the minimum amount of TRVL BEP20 that can be bridged is 250 and the maximum amount is 500,000 per swap. Transaction fees are paid by the user so please check the transaction fees before confirming.
Swap NOWWhat is TRVL?
TRVL token powers the Dtravel ecosystem. Vacation rental operators, travelers, partners and community members earn TRVL for contributing to the ecosystem’s growth.
Visit to learn more about how Dtravel is creating a more rewarding travel experience for everyone through direct connections.
The maximum supply of TRVL is fixed at 1,000,000,000 (1 billion).
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ChangeNOW ist ein vielseitiger Service, der viele verschiedene Optionen zum Austausch von Dtravel bietet. Unser Ziel ist es, eine Plattform bereitzustellen, auf der Benutzer alle gängigen Kryptowährungen verwalten, zwischen ihnen austauschen und ihr Kryptowährungsportfolio einfach diversifizieren können.