Maker (MKR) Tausch

Tauschen Sie sofort Maker zum besten MKR Wechselkurs auf ChangeNow aus. Frei von Limits, Konten und Sorgen. Verbringen Sie Ihre Zeit und Energie für das, was wichtig ist - wir kümmern uns um den Rest.

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What is Maker?

Maker is a platform that uses smart contracts to maintain the stability of the DAI stable coin. MKR token serves as a critical stabilization factor of the ecosystem. Balance is achieved through algorithmic creation and token burns, depending on market price movements.

While stable coins are not a new concept, this is the oldest one that runs in a transparent and decentralised environment. It was created in 2014 as a permission-less protocol and has since grown exponentially.

Today, Maker tokens and DAI coins trade on multiple platforms. There is no maximum supply since it is produced depending on the prevailing market conditions.
