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Theta Coin (THETA) Crypto Exchange

Access the best THETA exchange rate on ChangeNOW and perform an instant conversion. No limits, accounts, or worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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THETA Market Data

THETA market information

THETA Price is $1.3786. Its current circulating supply is theta 1,000,000,000 with a market cap of $1,378,637,912.12.


$ 1.3786


$ 1,378,637,912.12

24h % PRICE

7.81 %


$ 18,554,045.12

7d % PRICE

-2.94 %


1,000,000,000 THETA

Start THETA Exchange

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Why exchange THETA (THETA) on ChangeNow

The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.

  • 98%Triumph Rate🔥
    Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
  • 5MstarSatisfied Clients
  • 3 minAverage Exchange Time
  • 980Currencies available for exchange
How it works?
Fast crypto exchange

Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with THETA

What is Theta?

Theta is a decentralized peer-to-peer video streaming platform. It was launched in March 2018 by Mitch Liu and Jieyi Long, two gaming and video industry enthusiasts, and is also advised by Justin Kan, co-founder of Twitch, and Steve Chen, co-founder of Youtube. The network aims to drastically change the streaming industry and to deliver quality content at a low price while giving users fair and easy access to it. Theta is an open-source software that supports smart contracts and dApps. It is powered by three types of nodes: Enterprise Validator Nodes, Guardian Nodes, and Edge Node. Enterprise Validator Nodes are companies, including Google and Samsung, that can process transactions by staking and are controlled by Guardian Nodes which check the accuracy of their block proposals. The ecosystem operates with two native tokens: TFUEL, which is used for transaction costs and as a reward for Edge Node consisting of users sharing their bandwidth, and THETA, which is used as a governance and staking token. THETA holders mostly benefit from staking, as the coin is based on the PoS BFT mechanism, and get engagement rewards. The Theta Network announced that it is planning on releasing a new TNT-20 token, TDROP, in February 2022. TDROP will be used on the ThetaDrop platform, Theta-powered NFT marketplace. The new token will act as a governance token and encourage NFT liquidity mining.


  • THETA exchange rate is the number of funds you're supposed to get when you convert your preferred currency into THETA. You can see the THETA price at the top of this page. The THETA rate displayed is in real-time. Please note that the rate mentioned is the market rate, also called the perfect rate. At the time of the transaction, network and service fees are applicable. You can check the total by inputting the amount into the THETA calculator.

  • There are dozens of assets available for THETA exchanging in both directions, so you make any swap whenever you need it! We offer registration-free and worry-free, limitless exchanging: performing THETA exchanges is as fast and easy as that.

    Disclaimer: This information is not intended and does not constitute any financial advice, investment advice, or trading advice. If you plan to make any financial decision, please contact a licensed financial advisor.

  • You always have cryptocurrency exchange platforms like ChangeNOW at your service. Several other ways to exchange THETA for cash, like using THETA ATMs and debit cards, selling on peer-to-peer platforms, among others. However, the best one for you is ChangeNOW – it's fast, user-friendly, and offers highly competitive THETA exchange rates. Plus, it’s non-custodial, and you don’t have to worry about any transaction limits. What else is there to want?

  • Several good wallets allow you to work with the THETA crypto coin, but some of the best ones are Trust Wallet and Guarda Wallet.

  • There are many options, but ChangeNOW is ready to make you one of the best offers available in the current market. Our exchange is fast, custody-free, and worry-free: we will get you the best THETA rates and perform your swap in a matter of minutes!

  • Pick THETA as the currency you send and Ethereum as the currency you get. Input the amount of THETA you would like to spend on ETH and click “Exchange.” Then, check your transaction details and confirm it: here you are, ready to get the results of your THETA-ETH swap!

  • THETA-BTC transactions are fully available at ChangeNOW! Just select THETA as the currency you send and BTC as the currency you would like to get. Enter the amount of THETA you would like to spend and click “Exchange.” All that is left to do is to check the details and confirm your THETA-BTC swap!

  • It is safe to buy or sell THETA, especially with ChangeNOW. We do not store any private data concerning your exchanges and demand no registration! With us, getting your THETA coins is fast and easy.

  • The ChangeNOW classic exchange option allows you to get the best THETA deal available at the moment. Please remember that in this case, the rate will still be able to change depending on the market volatility and other factors beyond our control. If you’re looking for more stability, it may be better to choose the fixed-rate option showing the exact THETA rate that won’t change until the transaction is complete. With this option, you always know the amount you will receive. Also, you can be secure about all possible rate risks — it is ChangeNOW ready to undertake all of them.