The LUNA price in real-time is displayed at the top of the page. The indicated rate doesn’t contain any transaction fees, so we suggest you look at the rate used while setting up the transaction. Our Terra converter calculates this rate, and it includes all fees for the crypto network and our service. The final LUNA price is affected, but you can take it for granted!
Terra 2.0 (LUNA) Swap
Instantly exchange Terra at the best LUNA exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.
LUNA Market Data
LUNA crypto market overview
Terra Price is $0.2145. Its current circulating supply is luna 1,186,707,049 with a market cap of $152,305,158.7.
$ 0.2145
$ 152,305,158.7
24h % PRICE
2.88 %
$ 20,764,248.62
7d % PRICE
-5.7 %
1,186,707,049 LUNA
Start Terra Exchange
Why exchange Terra (LUNA) on ChangeNow
The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.
- 98%Triumph Rate🔥Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
- 5M
Satisfied Clients
- 3 minAverage Exchange Time
- 980Currencies available for exchange

Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with LUNA
What is Terra 2.0 (LUNA)?
Terra (LUNA) FAQ
Your best option to exchange Terra is ChangeNOW - it offers lower transaction fees, shorter waiting times, and it’s friendly to new customers. Also, you will receive the best price for your buck because our engine will look for the best Terra exchange rate. However, do not ever forget to DYOR before purchasing any asset.
The fees are low for ChangeNOW users, and we offer two different rates for our users. The classic rate features the expected rate calculated at the moment, but the final rate might be marginally different because of fluctuations in the market. The fixed-rate option will display a specific rate for the transaction, and ChangeNOW will take the risk of making sure you receive the indicated amount. The fixed rate is generally lower, but it’s great for users who want to calculate the amount in advance.
Changenow supports both legacy network of Terra been rebranded to Terra Classic (LUNC) and brand new Terra 2.0 (LUNA)