Head to the top of this page to view the Kishu Inu price in real time. Please note that the displayed price does not include the transaction fees applied during the exchange. You can also use our KISHU calculator which will calculate both the asset price and fees.
Kishu Inu Coin (KISHU) Crypto Exchange
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KISHU Market Data
KISHU market information
Kishu Inu Price is $0. Its current circulating supply is kishu 96,702,938,412,730,850 with a market cap of $19,873,559.61.
$ 0
$ 19,873,559.61
24h % PRICE
1.31 %
$ 882,716.95
7d % PRICE
16.29 %
96,702,938,412,730,850 KISHU
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Why exchange Kishu Inu (KISHU) on ChangeNow
The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.
- 98%Triumph Rate🔥Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
- 5M
Satisfied Clients
- 3 minAverage Exchange Time
- 980Currencies available for exchange

Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with KISHU
What is Kishu Inu Coin (KISHU)
Kishu Inu FAQ
The number of Kisha Inu tokens in circulation can be viewed at the top of this page along with the token’s market cap and price. KISHU has a limited supply and can have a maximum of 100,000,000 billion tokens in circulation.
KISHU was created by an anonymous development team in April 2021.
KISHU is mainly used to pay rewards to token holders in exchange for staking the tokens on the NFT platform offered by Kishu Inu.
You can easily purchase KISHU with any of 850+ available cryptocurrencies at the top of this page. Fill out transaction details to find out Kishu Inu's current exchange rate. Buying KISHU with fiat is also available on our main website.